Environmental Policy
AES is dedicated to the continual improvement of environmental performance in all of our operations. We are conscious that our activities may inevitably impact on the Environment in a number of ways. It is therefore our responsibility to minimise the effects we have on the Environment.
We are committed to:
- Collecting 100% of our waste glass for recycling. www.berrymanglassrecycling.com
- Collecting metal waste, in particular aluminium, sorting and recycling where facilities for each type of metal waste exist.
- Re-using for packaging or recycling 100% of waste paper and cardboard.
- Using responsible suppliers that have themselves implemented environmental schemes to reduce waste who will, for example, collect timber packaging for re-use.
- Buying in bulk quantities so we can optimise our purchase deliveries.
Policy objectives in brief:
- Make sure that products are made, used, handled and disposed of in an environmentally sound manner.
- Limit the harmful effects of products and operations on human health and the environment to the maximum extent practicable, thus reducing our carbon footprint.
- Comply with or exceed all relevant government regulations in manufacturing, supplying of products and management of waste.
- Reduce the harmful impact of operations and products on the land, air, water and other natural resources whenever possible.
- Minimise the generation of waste and maximise the use of safe and sustainable sources of energy.
- Eliminate undue environmental risks to the public, employees and surrounding communities on a continuous basis.
- Provide employee training and public education in environmental compliance, emergency planning and response.
Carrying out the policy
Following this policy is fundamental to AES' successful operation. It is the obligation of EVERY employee in EVERY job to know and follow this policy. Every employee has the responsibility for applying this policy to his or her work place to assure effective practices and programs for environmental protection.